We have fielded numerous support calls/emails since yesterday about Facebook and Instagram posts/photos/etc. not loading. Facebook and their related properties have been having a number of connectivity issues of late. These are not problems related to the service we provide, and not an indication that there is a problem with your connection.
A good website to check about such things is Down Detector. The specific link to Down Detector’s facebook section is here: https://downdetector.com/statu… <downdetector.com/status/facebook/map/>
– Jacob
Category: System Status
Route flapping for some subscribers
This evening at about 9:45PM, in attempting to filter out some malicious traffic attempting to enter our network, I employed a series of route filters that caused routes to flap between our network and those of two of our transit providers. Unfortunately one of those route filters contained a typo. The typo has been fixed, but it may take another 30 minutes or so for the effects of my typo to settle.
Thanks for your understanding.
– Jacob
Resolved – Westport outage update
We’ve determined that the outage affecting a few subscribers in Westport has been caused by tower equipment failure. I’m on my way to Westport to climb and replace. Hopefully service should be restored to those affected in Westport by 5PM.
– Jacob
Resolved – Westport outage for a few subscribers
This evening a relay serving a few subscribers North of Westport went down for unknown reasons. I’m attempting to diagnose remotely and will have hands on the coast in the morning if things can’t be resolved from inland.
Thanks for your understanding.
– Jacob
We’ve moved!
Effective May 1st we have moved just down the hall to Suite 202 at 776 South State Street in Ukiah. For those that drop off payments in person, please now take a right at the top of the stairs instead of a left and head to the end of the “porch”. There is an identical mail slot in the door.
This new set of suites provides much-needed room for our expanding operation.
– Jacob
Resolved – Hopland/McNab power outage
A large power outage between Ukiah and Hopland is impacting service for many subscribers. Currently our McNab Ridge relay site is also without power. Other sites in the area are on battery. Service to those affected subscribers will resume once power is restored.
– Jacob
Resolved – Westport outage
As of 4:52 this afternoon we are experiencing trouble with our equipment serving subscribers in Westport. I’m attempting a remote fix now. If the remote fix is unsuccessful a site visit will be needed.
Updates to follow.
– Jacob
Running Springs emergency maintenance
This morning at around 10AM I’ll need to perform a quick bit of unexpected maintenance on a site that serves subscribers on Running Springs Road. I expect the outage to last no more than a few minutes while I replace some failing hardware.
– Jacob
Resolved – Intermittent connectivity to some sites
The issue affecting subscriber access to certain websites appears to be resolved. The carrier Telia was having issues at their POP in Dallas until recently today, impacting access to many popular websites. Those issues have recently been resolved and normal access should be restored.
– Jacob
Intermittent connectivity to some sites
Today some subscribers have been reporting intermittent trouble connecting to a few websites, including costco.com, staples.com, osha.org, and others. The problem appears to lie in another (large international) provider’s network and I am working with some of our upstream providers to route traffic around the problematic provider’s network. It is yet to be seen if this will be entirely possible at this point, but an attempt is being made.
Otherwise, these connectivity problems should resolve themselves once the other provider resolves whatever is going on.
If you are having intermittent connectivity to a specific website today, please feel free to send the url to support@seakay.org and it can be added to the list.
– Jacob