Electrical gremlins at it again

The site that serves many on Greenfield Ranch that has been having electrical challenges is acting up again.  It has been eating batteries for breakfast due to some mysterious phantom load.
I’m en route to run a generator again.  It’s getting old, but I’ll get to the bottom of it.
Thanks for your understanding.
– Jacob

Greenfield updat

Trecite serving many on Greenfield ranch that has been experiencing issues this morning is now running on generator power. I will be back this evening to refuel the generator, there may be a brief service interruption between when fuel runs out and when I return. as soon as the ground is firm enough for me to deliver new batteries to the site I will. Generator power will continue until that time.

Moose Road relay repairs

Tomorrow, late morning, I will be performing some repairs on a relay that serves some residents of McNab Ranch.  There will be a few short outages for those served from this relay while the repairs are made.  All work should be finished by early afternoon.
– Jacob

McNab Ranch maintenance – 10-26-2018

Tomorrow morning between 9 and 11AM we will be performing maintenance at a site that serves many on McNab Ranch and in Hopland.  During the maintenance window all traffic will be flowing through a backup link with lower capacity than typical.  During this time subscribers may experience slower than normal speeds.  There may also be a few brief service interruptions for some subscribers on McNab Ranch during this time.
Thank you,
– Jacob

Router failure – Low speeds to McNab Ranch/Hopland/Old River Road

This morning a router that handles traffic destined to areas south of Ukiah failed at around 9:30.  It’s unclear at this point if it has simply locked up or has physically failed.  I’ll be on-location soon to diagnose further.
Speeds to subscribers on Old River Road, in Hopland, and on McNab Ranch will be reduced while the issue is diagnosed and repaired.
Thanks for your understanding.
– Jacob

— *SeaKay Broadband* Connecting Communities www.seakaybroadband.net support@seakay.org PO Box 243, Ukiah, CA 95482 Phone: 707.376.1234 Check us out on Facebook